Events, Talks, Performances, Exhibitions
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth, J., Tsitas, E., Future U, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, 23 July 2021- 26 February, 2022 (Future U – RMIT Gallery)
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth, J., Tsitas, E., Future U, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, 23 July 2021- 26 February, 2022 (Future U – RMIT Gallery)
- PERFORMANCE: Resonant Webs, YouTube Live, March 28, 2021, as part of the event SLOW MOVEMENT Showcase and Forum vol.5 ((English ch) 3/28 SLOW MOVEMENT Showcase & Forum vol.5 – YouTube)
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Designing Inclusive Games for Non-standard bodies, Games for Change, Melbourne, 5-7 Oct, 2021
- TALK: Chen, H. Mental Jam. Games for Change, Melbourne, 5-7 Oct 2021
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Interactive Arts & Design for Inclusive Participation, InclusiveFUTURES as part of DigitalFUTURES (Conversations on Inclusivity – Disability & Human Body – YouTube)
- TALK: Chen, H. Mental Jam. Freeplay, 12 June 2021
- TALK: Chen, H. Mental Jam: Video Game Co-creation for Young People with Lived Experiences of Depression and Anxiety. GCAP, 4-6 Oct 2021
- TALK: Duckworth. J., EDNA – Designing an Interactive Application for Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Simulation Australia, SimCafe online, 6 November.
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Arts-Science Research Toward Commercialisation, Bendigo StartUp, The Studio July 23
- TALK: Duckworth. J, Arts-Science innovation in brain injury rehabilitation: From design to commercialisation, April 30
- TALK: Duckworth. J., CiART: intersections between art, design, science and health, SensiLab Forums, Monash University, 4 September 2019
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth. J., EDNA, ICT 2018: Imagine Digital – Connect Europe, Vienna, 4-6 December 2018 (Funded by Australian Trade and Investment Commission)
- TALK: Duckworth. J, Building a Bridge over the Valley of Death, Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia, KCA Annual Conference, 13–14 September 2018
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth, J. Hullick, J. Eldridge, R. and Rice, C., ‘Disruptive Critters’, Sónar +D, Advanced Music, Fira Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June (RMIT: Disruptive Critters – Sónar+D Barcelona 2017 (
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth. J., Elements Rehabilitation System, Graeme Clark Oration Innovation Showcase, Melbourne Convention Centre, 30 October 2017
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Design and Research for Health, Transformation, Barcelona Design Week, 6–14 June 2017
- TALK: Duckworth. J. Creative interventions, Art and Rehabilitative Technology, P3M: Participation, Motives, Methods, Measures, Centre for Disability and Development Research, ACU, 14–16 March 2017
- EXHIBITION: Resonance in the Dome, Domelab, Design and Play Exhibition, Design Hub, RMIT, 29 April-14 May, Design & Play – RMIT Design Hub
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Industry Trends: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Wheeler Centre Performance Space, 24 November 2016 (presenter and MC for the event)
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Creative interventions, Art and Rehabilitative Technology, Design is Future, Barcelona Design Week, 2–12 June 2016
- EXHIBITION: Duckworth, J. Eldridge, R. and Hullick, J., ‘Resonance’, SONAR +D, Fira Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain (RMIT Europe at SONAR+D – RMIT University)
- TALK: Duckworth. J., Interactive Arts and Disability, Unfixed, Australian Network for Art and Technology, Adelaide College of the Arts, 4 November 2015
- TALK: Duckworth. J., The History of Virtual Reality, Exploring the Potentials of Virtual Reality, Melbourne Knowledge Week, 28 October 2014 (presenter and MC for the event)